Most of us think that pickle juice is only used to maintain the pickles fresh and tasty. So, when the pickles are gone, we also discard the juice. But, this practice often makes others cringe because this juice has so many amazing benefits to offer. From using it in the […]
Tag: natural remedy
Dermatologist Recommends a Surprising Trick for a Youthful Skin: It’s Onion Tea!
Besides banana peels that can do wonders for our skin, triple board-certified dermatologist, Marina Turegano, recommends another surprising trick for a youthful skin. It’s not as appealing as a banana peel masks, but it’s definitely promising. Turegano and her 72-year-old mother recommend using onion peels for a healthy brew that […]
How to Grow St John’s Wort at Home
In its native Europe, St John’s wort was highly appreciated for its healing properties that the settlers actually took it with them in the New World. The name comes from the fact that the flowers were traditionally harvested on the Catholic Saint’s Day in honor of the nativity of St […]
Awesome for the Liver, Kidneys, Heart & Lungs: This Tea Heals Respiratory Viruses Fast
Cumin is a type of leafy plant which grows low to the ground in India, China, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean. Its fruit is known as cumin seed and it’s a popular spice worldwide. It’s also been researched for medical purpose and some anecdotal evidence emphasizes a long list […]
One Spoon per Day of this Folk Medicine Is Enough to Optimize Your Immunity
In this period when we’re being hit by the seasonal flu and the coronavirus, it’s pivotal to keep a strong immunity because it’s our biggest defense from external harms. If you also want to strengthen your immunity, but to do it all naturally and make your body more resistant to […]
Detox Your Liver Completely Naturally: This DIY Drink Helps Eliminate Toxins & Surplus Fat
Unfortunately, fatty liver is a common health problem, especially in people over the age of 50. Having a fatty liver is damaging and it should be treated properly and timely to prevent bigger damage. A healthy liver is pivotal if we want optimal overall health. And, when the liver fails […]
A Potent Folk Medicine Our Grandmas Swore by: Helps with Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough & Respiratory Disease
Nowadays, unfortunately, a lot of people struggle with respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis, and cough. These problems can be a result of some infections, smoking or allergies. This is why it’s important to know what can help us reduce these unpleasant symptoms naturally and safely. Today, we’re going to present […]
The Infusion of Life Drink: Recovers You after a Cold & Nourishes You with Vitamins
Thyme is more than a simple herb; it’s a versatile herb rich in important nutrients. It’s abundant in vitamins A and C and also has copper, fiber, iron, and manganese. And, it has antioxidant power too and helps support the nervous system. According to research, it can be of aid […]
Basil Leaves Work as Cleaning Agent for Your Lungs & Helps Fight Viruses & Infections
Did you know that basil is one of the most common herbs consumed? Also, people love it the most! It doesn’t just make meals taste better, but it also has to offer some stunning health advantages thanks to the potent antioxidants and volatile oils it contains. This is definitely a […]
7 Must-Have Healing Herbs You Should Grow in Your Garden this Summer
Growing your own medicine herb garden can be an amazing idea. You can use these herbs to have a regular supply of healing remedies that are completely natural. The healing potential of plants is enormous-starting from the relaxing properties of lavender to the protective properties of Echinacea from bacteria and […]