Did you know that celery is one of the most nutritious veggies out there? It is abundant in important nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and vitamins A, B, C, and K. Moreover, it is abundant in phytonutrients that posses strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics. So, this healthy and tasty […]
Tag: natural remedy
The Most Powerful Herb that Destroys Strep, Herpes, Candida and Flu Virus
Thyme is an herb which originates from the Mediterranean basin and it comes in numerous different types. Even though there is only one plant known as thymus vulgaris, the chemical composition of the oil made from the plant varies based on the region where the plant grows. Thymus vularis or […]
7 Best Natural Foods to Cleanse the Body from Mucus
Our bodies produce mucus as a mechanism of protection, same as it produces saliva and tears. Same as these other bodily fluids, mucus contains an enzyme which helps dissolve pathogens from the environment, food, or attacks on the immunity. This is why the body releases mucus when we eat something […]
Addicted to Sleeping Pills?! Try Out this Amazing Natural Remedy instead
Unfortunately, a lot of people are addicted to sleeping pills and if they do not have them on their bedroom stand, a good night’s sleep will not happen. Unfortunately, prolonged use of these meds can cause dependence and increases the tolerance to the medication. As a result, people end up […]
Your Child Has Lice? Use this all-Natural Potent Remedy to Destroy them fast
Of course, many parents look forward to their children going to kindergarten or starting school; however, there is one issue that they all dread in a way, i.e. lice. After a week or so in school, your child comes home and starts to scratch his/her hair frantically and you know […]
Onions: The Best Natural Remedy. 8 Beneficial Healing Uses
Onions are without doubt one of our favourite veggies ever! They go great in a variety of meals, including flavorful salads, mostly because of their distinctive aroma and taste. But, they are much more than a delicious food- they are a powerful natural remedy with strong antibiotic, antiseptic, and other […]
Do not Destroy this Common Weed that probably Grows in Your Garden: It Has Amazing Health Advantages
If you have a garden or a yard, you probably have this common plant, i.e. plantain. This backyard herb is often confused for a weed, when it is actually eatable and a very beneficial and versatile herb. Rich in vitamins A and C and calcium, it has been used by […]
Reduce Cholesterol And Clean All Blood Vessels Up to The Heart With This Natural Remedy
What we eat has a direct effect on the overall health, including that of the circulatory system. Excessive consumption of processed foods and fats may contribute to higher levels of bad cholesterol. If its amounts are high enough, they can cause atherosclerosis, a condition characterized by a buildup of hard […]
If You Burp 5 Minutes after Drinking Baking Soda & Water, This Is what it Means
Without doubt, baking soda is one of the most versatile ingredients today. Also known as sodium bicarbonate, it seems that there is nothing with which it cannot help. Whether it is used in cooking, natural remedies or skin care, baking soda always delivers. A lot of people throughout the world […]
Reduce Bad Cholesterol And Cleanse Your Arteries With This Simple Recipe!
In today’s article, our focus will be on folk medicine and what it has to offer us, i.e. on natural remedies that you can prepare in the comfort of your own home. This one remedy is potent enough to help you treat a long list of health issues. Namely, it […]