Tag: nutrients

How to Grow Healthy Kale in a Pot at Home

How to Grow Healthy Kale in a Pot at Home

Without doubt, when it comes to leafy greens, there’s no replacement for kale-it’s a synonym for health and healthy diet and it’s gotten a lot of attention in the last couple of years. But, we can’t always find fresh one in supermarkets or where we live. So, why not grow […]

Chaga Tea: Unusual, but Health-Improving Drink

Chaga Tea: Unusual, but Health-Improving Drink

If you’re bored and tired of having the same tea over and over, it may be worth considering adding this highly healthy variant-chaga mushroom tea. Chaga has been consumed in Russia and other Baltic countries for hundreds of years as an immunity booster and to better the overall health. Nowadays, […]

10 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

10 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

If you’ve been decorating with pumpkins for Halloween, don’t just scoop out and throw away the seeds. In fact, keep them and roast them-they’re so healthy and delicious. They’re packed with some impressive nutrients, despite their small size, and you’ll get some zinc, magnesium, as well as healthy fats from […]