10 Common Diseases Associated with Vitamin D Deficiency

As emphasized on Everyday Health, the advantages of vitamin D include healthier bones and better health. But, what happens when we start lacking this vitamin? Before we find out, let us learn more information about vitamin D and its role in our health.

The Importance of Vitamin D

The major source of vitamin is the sun and it helps the skin to synthesize it. This vitamin plays crucial roles in the body, including strengthening the bones and muscles, regulating the blood pressure, alleviating fibromyalgia pain, and slowing down the progression of multiple sclerosis. Unfortunately, when there are not sufficient amounts of it in the body, one may experience specific health issues.

Main Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Pain in the bones
  • Weak muscles
  • Higher blood pressure
  • Depression

Illnesses Linked with Vitamin D Deficiency

  1. Heart illness

As seen on Everyday Health, studies have found a link between low amount of vitamin D and heart illness, but it has not been determined if supplementation can minimize the risks. Vitamin D deficiency may have to do with diabetes, stroke, atherosclerosis, and hypertension. To lower your risk, balance your weight and exercise on the daily and follow a diet abundant in nuts, fruits, veggies, and meat too.

  1. Erectile dysfunction

According to a study, the male participants with severe erectile dysfunction had much lower levels of vitamin D than those with a mild ED. The authors of the study believe that the deficiency leads to ED by preventing the capacity of the arteries to dilate. This is a major sexual issue in men and up to 30 million Americans suffer from it. However, it may also stem from other health problems like prostate cancer, diabetes, etc.

  1. Schizophrenia

This serious brain disorder is characterized by poor focus, hallucinations, speech problems, and withdrawal from others. According to Everyday Health, those with lower vitamin D levels in their body have a double risk of being diagnosed with schizophrenia than those with the sufficient amount.

  1. Prostate cancer

According to a study, African-American lacking vitamin D had a greater likelihood of being positive for prostate cancer than those with normal levels. But, this study is only observational, it is does not prove that lack of vitamin D causes prostate cancer. Be that as it may, make sure you get enough vitamin D and be aware of the most common signs of prostate cancer so that you can ask for medical attention on time.

  1. Dementia

One study indicates that lack of vitamin D in elderly doubled the risk for specific forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s. Dementia is an umbrella term for several conditions manifested through a decline in thinking, memory, and behavior. Besides increasing your vitamin D levels to prevent dementia, it is also pivotal to follow a healthy diet, be physically active, and care for your mental health.

  1. Asthma

As seen on Healing Life Is Natural, even though the main cause of asthma has not yet been found, some studies point out a link between this illness and lack of vitamin D. Namely, this is considered to be a result of the fact that vitamin D is pivotal for lowering inflammation, which is known to worsen the breathing during asthmatic attacks.

  1. IBS

Studies done in the U.S. and Europe suggest that there is a connection between poor vitamin D lrvels and higher chance for IBS. Also, people living in areas with lower exposure to the sunrays are statistically more prone to IBS and we know that we get some of our vitamin D from the sunrays, besides some foods.

  1. Depression

Vitamin D is crucial for the regulation of adrenaline, dopamine, and noradrenaline production in the brain and it also prevents serotonin and dopamine depletion. As noted on Healing Life Is Natural, people with low vitamin D levels experience 8 to 14 percent increase in depression.

  1. Type 2 diabetes

People with higher levels of vitamin D have a 43 percent minor chance of type 2 diabetes when compared to those who have much lower levels.

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis

A Canadian study discovered a connection between rheumatoid arthritis and low vitamin D in the body. During the study, the higher levels of vitamin D in the body decreased the C-reactive protein levels (an indicator of inflammation). The participants with the lowest amount of vitamin D had up to 5 times great risk of rheumatoid arthritis than those who managed to keep their vitamin D levels balanced.
