Author: bestfolkmedicine

How to Take a Detox Bath to Remove all Toxins & Parasites from the Body

How To Take A Detox Bath To Flush Out Toxins Naturally

From the aluminum present in store-bought deodorants to the mercury in dental fillings, it appears that we are met by metal toxicity from every possible side! Did you know that heavy metals are also found in industrial and medical waste, beauty products, food, and environmental pollutants and they can be […]

Top 12 Brands of Bottled Water that are Full of Toxic Fluoride

Top 12 Brands of Bottled Water that are Full of Toxic Fluoride

Nowadays, there is a lot of controversy surrounding the effects of fluoride on the overall health. As scientifically concluded, when used in large amounts, fluoride is bad for the health. Since it is present in drinking water, a lot of people begin questioning the safety of their drinking water…High levels […]

5 Types of Tummies & How to Get Rid of Them

Without doubt, shaping the body and toning the belly is not an easy and straightforward task and it requires dedication on the daily. It is of utmost importance to include the proper exercises and eat healthy and balanced foods. What’s more, you should also know the type of belly fat […]