If you suffer from sciatica or back pain, you are definitely not alone. Globally speaking, 1 in 10 people experiences ache in the lower part of the back and statistics suggests that back pain is the leading cause of job disability. Back pain and sciatica are common health issues in […]
Healthy Tips
Strict Mothers Have More Successful Children, According To Science
While growing up, did you ever consider your parents to be overly strict or maybe you are a parent yourself who is very strict? According to studies, it appears that strict parenting approaches may not be as negative as thought and that strict parenting may make children better and more […]
Eat ½ Tsp Of Baking Soda Daily And This Happens To Your Kidneys
As explained on David Wolfe, the kidneys are small organs but they play a pivotal role in maintaining our optimal health. Namely, on a daily basis, they filter around 120 to 150 quarts of blood; help produce 1 to 2 quarts of urine, and are also in charge of processing […]
Do You often Wake Up between 3 and 5 am? This Could Indicate a Spiritual Awakening
If you wake up at the same time every night, this could mean a lot of things, including a spiritual awakening, i.e. a higher power may be trying to communicate with you, as noted on Elite Readers. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the body has numerous energy meridians that are […]
The most Effective Method to Use 2 Eggs to Treat Knee Pain & Repair the Joints
Without doubt, the knees are a crucial joint in our skeleton and with its help, the fibula, patella, and femur stay together and are able to slide to produce numerous movements, including walking, running, sitting, standing, etc. However, excessive wear of the knees can lead to numerous problems, for example, […]
The Link Between Verbal Abuse And Anxiety That No One Talks about
According to Learning Mind, anxiety is a mental health problem which can arise from abusive behavior and traumatic experiences as well as verbal abuse. Verbal abuse is demeaning and disrespectful. It refers to being called names, being yelled at because another person is upset, etc. Even though a lot of […]
Dear Alcohol, Thanks for Ruining Everything
Unfortunately, alcohol is the main culprit for the destruction of numerous lives and it is considered by many to be a sneaky demon which greets you with a smile and then stabs you in the back. If alcohol has also impacted your life negatively or if it still does, spare […]
5 Reasons Why You Need To Stop Using Your Phone In Bed At Night
Nowadays, we live in a world where smartphones are considered to be a normal part of our lives and a lot of people also use them in bed. Before they fall asleep, they scroll through their social media or respond to their emails from work. And, they consider this to […]
I Saved a Bunch of Money from Going to the Dentist’s Office after I Started Applying this Recipe for Tartar
Even though visits to the dentist’s office are not our favourite thing to do, we have to go from time to time, whether it is to fix a broken tooth, to remove surplus plaque or too much tartar, resolve gum problems, etc. And, we often spend a small fortune on […]
This Is why the Older You Get, the more You Hate Everyone & Why this Is Okay
For a lot of adults, not having a lot of friends is not a new thing, as explained on King Demic. What’s more, they become closer with their family members and siblings may be their only good friends. Other than them, they are not very fond of others. But, this […]