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Fluoride Reduces the IQ of Children, Study Finds

Fluoride Reduces the IQ of Children, Study Finds

According to a research done by a team of experts from York University in Canada and published in JAMA Pediatrics, drinking fluoridated water during pregnancy reduced the child’s IQ. The researchers estimated the mothers-to-be fluoride intake on the basis of the level of fluoride in their local supply of water […]

Reishi Mushrooms Proven for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief in Human Study

Reishi mushrooms have been proven to be a natural treatment for fibromyalgia pain relief. Fibromyalgia is a condition that affects nearly 10 million people in the United States and nearly 3-6% of the world population. A promising double-blind, randomized human clinical study of ganoderma lucidum, also known as reishi mushroom, has […]

The Cute Baby Born with Gray Hair Takes over the Internet

Baby Born With Gray Hair Has The Internet Talking

When this baby was born, both the doctors and the mother were surprised- this cute newborn had gray hair. Baby Bence was born with a normal weight almost 12 pounds and a normal height of 21 inches. But, his whole hair was bright white. To find out the cause for […]

Beautiful Humans: A Man Comforts a Gorilla That Lost Its Mother

A Park Ranger Comforts A Sad Gorilla That Lost Its Mother

With certainty, losing a parent is one of the most tragic experiences in life. And, this deep sadness and feeling of emptiness and despair isn’t exclusive to humans-according to what we can see on this heartbreaking photo taken by photographer Phil Moore. This mountain gorilla’s mother was killed by poachers […]