Denmark will spend $1.6 million to purchase the last 4 circus elephants in the country so that they can retire properly. This happens after the government has put a ban on the usage of wild animals in circuses and it’s expected to be put in motion later this year. The […]
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Ethiopia Plants 350 Million Trees In One Day And Breaks World Record
Only two months ago, Ethiopians planted more than 350,000 trees within 12 hours, according to a Twitter announcement by their minister of innovation and technology. This massive planting isn’t just beneficial for the environment, but also for setting a world record. The PM, Aiby Ahmed, launched the initiative to boost […]
Heartbreaking Photo: Sister Comforts Her Ill Brother Who Has Leukemia
Earlier this month, a mother has shared a saddening photo of her daughter consoling her poor little brother who has leukemia. Back in 2008, the boy, Beckett Burge, only 2-years-old at the time, was diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia, a type of blood cancer that starts in young white blood cells […]
How The Narcissist Gets Away With Abusing People And Come Off As A Good Person
When it comes to narcissists, just when we think you’re able to recognize them and get away from them, they work their way into your lives and do their thing. Nowadays, it’s very difficult to live in a world which seems to have been created to serve and breed such […]
This ZOO Puts People in Moving Cages while the Animals Roam Free
Believe it or not, there is a ZOO in Rancagua, Chile called Safari Lion Zoo where things are upside down, i.e. people are in the cages and the animals roam free. The idea behind this unusual ZOO is the chance to give people to see the animals in their natural […]
Seven Best Friends Buy A Mansion To Live And Grow Old Together
While a lot of us are struggling to organize one single getaway with our friends, these seven friends have managed to buy a mansion together. These seven best friends from China decided to purchase a house in which they can live together and grow old. The first time they saw […]
Baby Tortoises Seen On Galapagos Island For First Time In Over 100 Years
After more than a century, in 2018, baby tortoises started hatching on the Galapagos Islands after the eradication of the eggs done by the black rats. Black rats on the Pinzon Island had brought the giant tortoises to the brink of extinction due to eating their eggs. Today, the endangered […]
Vegan Activist Claims She Was Shot by a Farmer after Rescuing Rabbits
A vegan activist shared images of herself covered in blood after she was shot through her car window by a farmer after she rescued 16 rabbits. The activist named Mia spoke about this terrifying situation on social media and emphasized that the farmer was very aggressive and attacked the whole […]
The Power of Intention & Gratitude: How Plant Medicine Taught this Man to Realize His Dreams
People who’ve taken ayahuasca report positive effects like finding their purpose in life, curing incurable illnesses, and discovering the truth of the universe. Though many consider this to be a drug, others consider it to be a healing plant medicine. This hallucinogenic brew contains DMT and triggers enlightening experiences in […]
Giving Your Child A Smartphone Is “Like Giving Them Drugs” Reveals Top Addiction Expert
Unfortunately, 50 percent of teens are addicted to their phones, on a global level. Moreover, 84 percent of them say they can’t go a day without checking their phones. Since they’re more malleable than adults and being in a phase of life where their brains are still growing, they can […]