As noted on Wake Up Your Mind, having a stubborn child can be challenging and frustrating for parents. These parents do not only fight with their little ones over every-day-tasks like putting away their toys or eating their veggies but they also worry that their children’s stubbornness could be a […]
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According to a New Theory, People with RH Negative Are Aliens
Among the many theories surrounding the Rh-negative blood type is also the one claiming that ET’s may have a hand in this gene. Collective Evolution goes on to explore such claims. The proponents of the theory believe that people with an Rh-negative blood type have an alien DNA. The origin […]
Scientists Explain what Sitting too Long Does to the Body
Nowadays, as explained on Gotta Do the Right Thing, we live in a world where manual labor is less common than before due to the presence of different types of machines. However, because of the fact that more than 34 millions of Americans work in an office, they spend eight […]
Follow this One-Week Diet Plan to Lose 15 Lbs Naturally
If you want to lose weight naturally without worsening your health or risking weight cycling, you need to make the adequate diet improvements. With this in mind, we decided to present you a one-week diet plan we discovered on King Demic that will significantly boost the burning and shedding of […]
12 Signs She Is a High-Quality Woman
Without doubt, a lot of you will date different types of women; some may be too clingy while others may be disinterested. Some will easily become the centre of your world and others will make you the centre of their world. But, according to King Demic, there will come a […]
Women Need more Sleep than Men because their Brains Work Harder, Science Says
As noted on King Demic, science confirms that women have more complex brains than men and therefore, they require more sleep. Jim Horne, professor and director of the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University explains that poor sleep in women has to do with high amounts of psychological distress and […]
Kill Sinus Infections in Few Minutes with Something That You Already Have in Your Kitchen
Sinus infection or sinusitis is an inflammation of the lining tissue of the sinuses. When the sinuses are healthy, they are filled with air, however, when they’re blocked, germs grow inside and cause an infection. The most common signs of sinusitis are fever, facial pain, headache, etc. The most common […]
This Is why You Need to Put Essential Oils on Your Feet Every Night before Bed
As explained on The Alternative Daily, essential oils are compounds which are extracted from plants that have unique healing properties. Even though they have long been used by holistic health practitioners, it was not until recently that they have gained a worldwide popularity. Nowadays, the average medicine cabinet in people’s […]
Ginger & Moringa: the most Powerful Disease-Killing Combination
For a long period of time, moringa and ginger have been among the most frequently-used homemade remedies because of their unique healing properties. Moringa tree is native to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India and its parts have long been used in Ayurvedic medicine. Nowadays, it popular throughout the world for the […]
Top 10 Reasons Why Most Men Cannot Handle A Strong Woman
We often hear about strong women and how cool they are, but do we actually know what it means to be a strong woman? As noted on King Demic, strong women are the ones who have gone through a lot of struggles, sacrifices, and pain, but are always ready to […]