Tag: diet

How to Lower Blood Pressure without Meds & their Side Effects

How to Lower Blood Pressure without Meds & their Side Effects

Have you been diagnosed with hypertension, i.e. high blood pressure? Has your doctor prescribed over-the-counter medications to help balance your blood pressure? If your answer to these questions is a yes, you should definitely continue reading the article to learn how to fight off high blood pressure naturally without having […]

The Amazing Health Benefits of Juice Fasting

The Amazing Health Benefits of Juice Fasting

When juice fasting is mentioned, people immediately associate it with loss of weight. However, fasting with juices is more about healing your body from the inside out and weight loss is just a result of this healing process. To help you learn why fasting with juices is essential, in this […]

7 Essential Vitamins You Need After Age 40

7 Essential Vitamins You Need To Take After Age 40

Without doubt, nutrients, including minerals and vitamins are our best allies infighting off diseases associated with age. In order to acquire these nutrients in the best way possible, we need to follow a healthy diet. This is especially the case for people over 40 because this is the period when […]

10 Small Changes that Will Balance Your Hormones Naturally

10 Small Changes that Will Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Our hormones affect our mental, emotional, physical well-being. As Health Line explain, these chemicals are pivotal for our appetite, weight, and mood management, but for numerous other functions too. Unfortunately, nowadays, due to the busy lifestyles we lead, we tend to struggle with hormonal imbalances. If you have been also […]

8 Reasons to Use Coconut Oil on the Daily

8 Reasons to Use Coconut Oil on the Daily

According to Coconut Magic, coconut oil is believed by many to be one of the healthiest and most versatile oils out there. Native tropical cultures that follow coconut-rich diets consider their healthy hearts, youthful skin, voluminous hair, strong immune system, and good dental health to be a result of their […]