8 Ayurvedic Techniques to Treat Inflammation & Rheumatoid Arthritis

According to Health Line, Ayurvedic nutrition and lifestyle habits, including specific herbs and supplements, as well as doing yoga, can be of great aid for people diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.

Studies indicate that Ayurvedic practices are useful in alleviating inflammation and other symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, as well as to reduce flare-ups. However, before you begin any kind of alternative treatment, make sure you consult your doctor first.

Remember, the results are not always the same in everyone- every person reacts differently.

Below, check out our suggestions for the most potent 8 Ayurvedic natural cures.

8 Best Herbs for RA According to Ayurveda

As Health and Love Page explain, if you happen to suffer from RA, you may find relief from the following 8 cures:

  1. A good night’s sleep

Regular and quality sleep is pivotal for our health and well-being. When we do not get the needed rest, our body does not have sufficient capacity to restore and repair itself. Lack of sleep may also lead the immunity into overdrive when you are awake, which further increases the risk of inflammation. With this in mind, do your best to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.

  1. Self massage

To lower the inflammation common for RA, gently massage the painful and sore muscles and joints for at least 10 minutes. For the massage, make sure you use warm sunflower oil or coconut oil. Perform it prior to a shower or before a soak in warm bathwater.

  1. Stress diary

In Ayurveda, problems are treated by finding the underlying cause. To find out what is the reason behind flare-ups or increased pain, pinpoint the moments when you are under a lot of stress and thus, avoid them. Namely, when we are stressed, our immunity releases an inflammatory response. So, to be able to reduce the inflammation and the pain, it is important to find the triggers. Make sure you also note down in your dairy how your body reacts to the stress.

  1. Do yoga, ride a bike, and swim

Moderate physical activity that will not harm the joints is highly recommendable for people with chronic inflammation, i.e. people with RA. Some of these activities include yoga, swimming, and biking. Try to exercise five times per week, in the morning or in the evening.

  1. Do not forget about ginger

Ginger is one of the best foods for the reduction of inflammation. It will also supply your body with powerful antioxidants. Opt for a warm cup of ginger tea in the morning to alleviate stiffness, boost the mobility of the joints, and lower pain and inflammation.

  1. Drink yogurt more often

Did you know that approximately 60 to 70 percent of your immunity is centered in your gut? So, you should take proper care of it so that you can have a strong immune system and optimal health. Often times, there may be an inflammatory response in the body when there is a gut imbalance or when the gut is upset. To ensure your gut gets what it needs, you need to eat the right foods that are rich in probiotics. One such food is yogurt.

  1. Turmeric

This plant is well-known for its potent anti-inflammatory characteristics and there have been studies pointing out its capacity to alleviate rheumatoid arthritis. This being said, make sure you have more of it in your diet. You can add it to scrambled eggs, combine it in soups and stews, mix it with warm milk, or add it in the curries. The options are numerous!

  1. Fennel, coriander, and cilantro

These herbs are capable of decreasing inflammation and they also have a soothing and cooling effect. Feel free to incorporate them into meals and foods with bitter, sweet, and astringent flavor. For example, a tasty and anti-inflammatory meal suggestion is chickpea with turmeric mixed with pomegranates, cilantro, coriander, and cashews. Yummy!
