Why We Need Serotonin And How To Boost It Naturally

Serotonin is a hormone which plays a major role in almost all human behavioral processes, from our emotions, motor skills to digestion; this is a potent chemical that’s vital for our life and bodily functions.

Its receptors are found in several parts of the brain and work as neurotransmitters and send messages from one to other part. However, most of it is present in the gut and impacts different biological processes like the appetite, metabolism, mood, memory, and digestion.

With this in mind, boosting your serotonin may be a natural way to reduce depression and better the overall mood. However, as with any neurotransmitter, you shouldn’t have too much of.

This being said, avoid the antidepressants and stick with the natural methods. Learn more about them below…

How to Increase the Serotonin Levels Naturally

  • Work out

According to research, exercise is good for the brain due to its ability to regulate the dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline.

  • Eat anti-inflammatory foods

A healthy gut will change your body’s capacity for serotonin production. So, make sure you consume anti-inflammatory foods that are good for your gut and can help restore the balance of bacteria. Some of these foods are eggs, salmon, nuts, fresh veggies, and leafy green veggies, as well as probiotic foods like kombucha and kefir. Healthy fats from olive oil and avocados are also great for reduction of inflammation.

  • 5-HTP

This amino acid is naturally produced in our body and it’s used for the serotonin production. This is why it’s often used in supplement form to better the mood and lower depression. It can be found online and in specialized supplement shops. But, make sure you use it carefully and consult a physician before you start taking it to prevent amino acid imbalance.

  • Get some sun

When we don’t get sufficient sunlight, the proper serotonin production reduces. According to research, there’s a direct connection between the sunlight and serotonin production. The exposure to sunlight encourages the release of serotonin in the brain. This is why low serotonin is often linked with seasonal affective disorder.

  • Tryptophan

According to one research, lowered levels of tryptophan can reduce some brain activities related with happiness. And, it’s considered that these negative symptoms can be reduced with daily intake of 6 grams of L-tryptophan. This amount taken for several months was found to lower mood swings, tension, tiredness, and irritability.
