The western hemisphere is currently experiencing a magical time of nature coming alive and waking up from its winter dream. However, though spring is one of the most beautiful seasons, many people have seasonal allergies to worry about during this period. According to estimates, there are around 36 million US […]
Healthy Tips
5 Lifestyle Improvements That Can Help Relieve Hormonal Imbalance
An imbalance in the hormones is often manifested by sore breasts, headaches, bloating, skin problems, etc. However, there are simple, yet potent ways to fight it off. Remember, healthy hormones and a hormonal balance is pivotal for a lot of different parts of our health, including our appetite, weight regulation, […]
Exercise & Happiness: 6 Proven Ways Working Out Makes You Happier
Do you exercise on a regular basis? Do you feel much better after a workout session? Do you believe that exercise makes you happier? According to Christina G. Hibbert, author of the book 8 Keys to Mental Health through Exercise, and a recent study, exercise is not just pivotal for […]
Learn these 7 Useful Ways to Naturally Flu-Proof Your Home
With the flu season still lurking, we need to find beneficial methods to lower our risk of diseases. Believe it or not, according to the CDC, the flu has resulted between 9.2 and 60.8 million diseases, between 140,000 and 710,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 and 56,000 deaths every year since […]
Researchers Reveal: Messy People Are actually Productive Geniuses!
Even though messy people are usually the ones who make others nervous because they are all over the place, new research indicates something else! It appears that your messy sibling or friend is actually far more than being unproductive and lazy. Believe it or not, their messiness may be a […]
Scientists Explain Why Women Need to Stop Wearing Bras!
If you are a woman, do you wear your bra all the time? Do you wear it 24/7 without thinking about its consequences? Do you think that your bra makes your breasts more beautiful? According to experts, though bras have been marketed as an excellent back pain reliever, breast lifter, […]
A Beekeeper Trains His Bees To Make Honey With Cannabis Resin
Believe it or not, a beekeeper from France and an active user of cannabis spent years on researching how to bring these two parts in his life together. And, he came up with a solution, i.e. something he refers to as cannahoney. The 39-year-old French, known as Nicolas Trainerbees, had […]
DIY Natural, Ancient & Anti-Inflammatory Remedy: Restores the Gut Health
Have you heard of kimchi? Is this Korean dish part of your diet? Do you like how it tastes? We know we do! This delicious and probiotic-rich dish has been a staple in Korean cuisine for centuries. The original recipe is consisted of red peppers, cabbage, onions, scallions, garlic, and […]
Top 10 Habits Of People With Concealed Depression
Did you know that depression is a severe mental disease which may go undiagnosed for years? Unfortunately, those with concealed depression are fighting with their own “demons” and do not share their inner thoughts and feelings with others due to fear of becoming a burden. For a lot of people, […]
Struggling with Gassiness? No Worries; Try these 5 All-Natural DIY Cures
Gas and flatulence are normal body functions and most healthy individuals pass gas between 13 and 21 times per day. Though flatulence is a part of the digestive process, it may be uncomfortable and painful as the gas deposits in the intestines. Though removing the gas usually reduces the pain, […]