Effective & Safe: 6 Home Remedies for Bad Cholesterol

One of the major reasons for heart illness these days is high cholesterol or more precisely, high levels of total and LDL cholesterol. On the other hand, high levels of HDL cholesterol have a protective role. 

Bad cholesterol can be averted and effectively kept under control through establishing a healthy diet, working out on a regular basis, keeping a healthy weight, and leading an overall healthy lifestyle.

And, there are also specific and natural DIY cures that can be of great aid. Continue reading the article below to check them out…

6 Best Natural Remedies to Reduce Bad Cholesterol

  • Green tea

Abundant in polyphenols, green tea can do wonders for the overall health. The polyphenols are known to decrease the bad and increase the good cholesterol. According to studies, these compounds may prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines. Opt for 2 to 3 cups per day.

  • Garlic

Referred by many as a superfood, garlic can indeed help with so many different aspects of your health. Rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and sulfur compounds, it is essential for people who want to balance their cholesterol levels. And, there are numerous studies which back up its impact on the HDL and good cholesterol. Go with a half of garlic clove or one garlic clove per day to decrease the levels of cholesterol by up to 9 percent!

  • Psyllium husk

The husk comes from crushed seeds of the plant known as Plantago Ovata and it is abundant in soluble fiber. Countless of studies claim that this fiber has the capacity of decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol. So, make sure you add a tsp or two of it to your daily meals to keep your cholesterol levels balanced.

  • Coriander seeds

In addition to helping you regulate your cholesterol levels, coriander seeds are also good for the overall health as they are rich in pivotal nutrients, including vitamin A, folic acid, and vitamin C.

  • Amia

Did you know that this fruit is one of the richest sources of vitamin C and phenolic acids? Also, it will provide you with amino acids and minerals. According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology, the fruit was found to lower the cholesterol, protect from atherosclerosis and CAD, and lowered oxidative damage. Consume one to two portions of amia per day.

  • Fenugreek seeds

Often used as a culinary space, a flavoring agent, and a healing plant, these seeds are abundant in essential nutrients, particularly vitamin E.  They have anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and antioxidant characteristics. The saponins in them will expel surplus cholesterol from the body while its fiber will lower the synthesis in the liver. Use half to one tsp of fenugreek seeds on a daily basis.
