Without doubt, if you want to eat a healthy and complete breakfast, you need eggs. The protein they contain is definitely a better option than those sugar-rich cereals. And, eggs have much more to offer than protein. But, a lot of people avoid them because of the cholesterol they contain.
This being said, scientists have decided to conduct a study on eggs and finally conclude how good eggs are for our health and whether we should eat them daily or not.
Is the Cholesterol in Eggs Bad for Us?
For years, health experts have argued if the cholesterol present in eggs is good or bad for us. Without doubt, high levels of bad cholesterol have been linked to serious health issues like hypertension, stroke, weight gain, and heart attacks. Previously, the AHA recommended no more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day.
This is a recommendation for healthy adults with no previous issues with strokes, heart disease or dementia. But, one large egg has approximately 186 mg so two eggs exceed the daily limit. But, experts are reconsidering this limit.
Namely, back in 2013, the AHA and ACC told that there is lack of scientific data to back up the claim that limiting cholesterol in one’s diet can decrease the bad cholesterol. This was confirmed by a study that tested the impact of egg cholesterol on the health of the heart.
Namely, the bad cholesterol increased in healthy individuals who consumed eggs, but so did the good cholesterol levels. And, these two types cancelled one another.
Eggs Can Improve Brain Health
Knowing that eggs are not bad for the heart or brain, a research team from the University of Eastern Finland wanted to discover the benefits eggs can offer. The study lasted for 22 years and the diets of almost 2500 men between the age of 42 and 60 were examined.
At the end of the study, 337 of the participants developed a neurological condition, mostly Alzheimer’s. After an analysis of their diets, the team discovered that neither cholesterol nor egg consumption caused their condition.
And, egg intake was linked to better performance on neuropsychological tests.
What You Gain by Eating Eggs?
A large egg has around 7 grams of quality protein, as well as excellent levels of omega-3s, vitamin E, and antioxidants, as well as choline. When possible, opt for eggs from grass-fed chicken.