Everyone who is reading this article probably knows at least two health advantages of apple cider vinegar since there has been a lot of talk on this topic lately. And, what’s more, ongoing studies are backing up numerous claimed healing properties of this liquid. In addition to being one of […]
Tag: healthy food
1 TBSP of Apple Cider Vinegar For 60 Days Can Help Eliminate These Health Problems
Did you know that vinegar is said to have been found approximately 5000 BC when unattended grape juice turned into wine and then vinegar? In the beginning, it was used as a preservative for food and the rest is history. Namely, Hippocrates used it as a natural remedy for healing […]
How to Remove Fluoride & other Heavy Metals from Your Tap Water fast
Unfortunately, a lot of drinking water sources throughout the world are treated with fluoride by-products because fluoride is believed to have medicinal properties, i.e. the CDC claims that the fluoridation of water is a safe and healthy method to avert tooth decay. And, this has been the case for the […]
This Highly Alkaline Superfood Raises the pH & Helps the Body Neutralize Acidic Foods
As many of you may already know, the foods we consume have a major influence on our overall health and it is therefore pivotal to learn the difference between acidic and alkaline diets and foods. The latter are known to be good for the health and they should be eaten […]
2 most Important Supplements that Alkalize Your Body to Prevent Diseases
In order for us to be 100 percent healthy, the cells and tissues need to work properly and enable adequate temperature, balanced pH, hydration, and optimal nutrient availability. Regarding the pH, it refers to “hydrogen’s potential” and it measures the hydrogen ions in a specific solution. And, the more ions, […]
The King of Alkaline Foods: Strengthens the Liver, Neutralizes Toxins & Detoxifies the Blood
Without doubt, nowadays, it has become more and more challenging to consume a diet that is abundant in whole foods and not filled with all kinds of pesticides, additives, and preservatives. Due to leading a poor diet, a lot of people have a pH imbalance in the body, i.e. their […]
Top 7 Alkaline Foods to Clean, Repair & Produce New Cells in the Body
Unfortunately, the standard American diet is the least healthy of all and this is because of its abundance in toxic and acid-forming foods like processed sugar, artificial sweeteners, refined grains, processed meats, dairy, and hidden GMOs. Taking into consideration that this type of nutrition is not good for the health, […]
What Happens To Your Anxiety, Depression And Liver When You Consume Wheatgrass Daily
Wheatgrass is a young wheat plant which is harvested prior to the wheat kernels grow. It is commonly used for the preparation of fresh juices or it is combined in smoothies or tea. It is consisted of 70 percent chlorophyll which is known for its capacity to fight off stress […]
Homemade Lemonade to Quickly Make Your Body Alkaline
According to latest research, the body’s pH levels are closely linked to our overall health. Namely, in order for the body to perform 100 percent, it requires a balanced and alkaline pH; however, nowadays, a lot of people have more acidic bodies, usually as a result of the unhealthy diets […]